Marta Areosa

Marta Areosa



Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg — editorial

“Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg” by Errol Morris is an article that exposes a method of work through an investigation of two very similar photographs by Roger Fenton. 

The pictures were taken in 1855 during the Crimean War and changed the History of Photography. Errol Morris documents a deep investigation on the chronological order of the photographs and leads us through the process. 

In this book, I explored the dialogues between Morris and some people he interviewed, pulling these dialogs apart from the rest of the text. The idea of segmentation, executed through indentation and margins, came from the way dialogs are graphically represented in our everyday chats. 

The 3 parts of the text are separated in different booklets, working as a reference to common practices of archive. This physical division is a reflection of the turning points that happened in the investigation process.